Sunday, June 28, 2009

The Only Alien on the Planet

The Only Alien on the Planet by Kristen B. Randle

About: A girl who moves to a new town and a new school, and there she finds a boy, mute by choice, who has never let anyone into his world. That's about to change...

My Opinion: This is one of the best books I have ever read. It is an all-time favorite that I have read at least five times. The characters grow as real people throughout the novel, the author never lets the reader lose the sense of how real this story is, yet I have never heard of such a thing happening in real life. It is very well-written and worth the read. It has important lessons of life, love, and the limitations and the unbelievable capabilities of the human mind.


Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Enter Three Witches

The book that I just finished this morning is Enter Three Witches by Caroline B. Cooney.

About: The book is based on Shakespeare's play "Macbeth". It follows the daughter of the Thane of Cawdor as she attempts to regain any hope of a future. This is seemingly impossible because her father who betrayed the King has been hanged.

My Opinion: I rather liked it. It wasn't revolting, but rather enjoyable. It wasn't stellar or life-changing, but a likable read.

Rating: 3

Layout, Anyone?

The way that I'm going to do this is I will name the book and author. I will give a short blurb on what it is about, and then proceed to give my opinion and rating.
Rating will be given with stars:
(5) Stunning read. Go buy it. NOW.
(4) Excellent read. Very well done.
(3) Good read. Average.
(2) Just a read. Less than average.
(1) Less than satisfactory.

Comments are always welcome.

An Odd but Neccessary Beginning

I'm Max Steele, and I have no idea what the heck I'm doing. I have this really horrible unnamed disease where I click, very randomly, on things in the internet that have any sort of appeal however strange. This is one of them.

Nonetheless, my hope that is that I will be able to keep up with this blog and that means what I'm currently reading. I don't know what else will be randomly thrown into this blog, but poetry and some of my writing is a definite possibility.

I feel that it is important that I say that I am only a high school student so don't think that the stuff I read is going to be those amazingly thick books that only people the age of forty and above can even think about getting through.

My reading focus is on novels about 99.99% of the time. Most of the non-fiction books I have read, or rather, tried to read, were never really finished.

Anyway, let's get reading...